Washburn County Tourism Association Industry Page:

What is Washburn County Tourism Association?

Washburn County Tourism Association is a 501(c)6, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting tourism in the Washburn County area. The organization is comprised of individuals, organizations, and businesses interested in working to promote and improve tourism in Washburn County. An outstanding board of directors oversees the operation of the organization and empowers the WashCo tourism team to inspire travelers to visit Washburn County through their marketing, outreach and public relations efforts.


To serve as the official tourism promotion and tourism development organization for Washburn County, Wisconsin


Through effective outreach and marketing, Washburn County Tourism Association will position Washburn County, Wisconsin as the premier Northwoods destination to visit, live and work.


Section 1: To promote tourism in Washburn County and support related activities and projects.

Section 2: To provide a forum for the collection and exchange of ideas and programs on tourism advertising, promotion and development.

Section 3: To collaborate with the Wisconsin Department of Tourism, regional tourism, economic development, and community & government organizations.

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